
Inscrutable as a Puppy Dog

I ran across this rather old piece about introverts. I find it terribly amusing, even though I'm one of the group getting burned. Jonathan Rauch, the author, says, "Extroverts are energized by people, and wilt or fade when alone. Leave an extrovert alone for two minutes and he will reach for his cell phone." :-o Guilty as charged. More:

Extroverts are easy for introverts to understand, because extroverts spend so much of their time working out who they are in voluble, and frequently inescapable, interaction with other people. They are as inscrutable as puppy dogs. But the street does not run both ways. Extroverts have little or no grasp of introversion. They assume that company, especially their own, is always welcome. They cannot imagine why someone would need to be alone; indeed, they often take umbrage at the suggestion. As often as I have tried to explain the matter to extroverts, I have never sensed that any of them really understood. They listen for a moment and then go back to barking and yipping.

Oh, come ON. Introverts haven't cornered the market on complexity. I won't pretend to have figured out introverts, but extroverts aren't always what they tell you, either. I may be an open book, but a lot of inward drafting, review, and revision occurs before I go to press, heh.

Via a subsidiary of This Woman's Work.

Blogging the March

I hope lots of demonstrators and D.C. observers blog about the march this weekend. At any rate, I'll be looking forward to reading Rad Geek's thoughts about it when he gets back. Anyone else going and planning on blogging it?

Edited to add: I'll check La Di Da when she gets back too.

What I've been doing...

...since I haven't been blogging.

Working, of course, and having a pretty rewarding time with it. I'm in good shape where that's concerned. Soon I'll post my prelims reading lists and the presentation I'm doing in Fargo this weekend once I get it pared down and finish the coding.

Partying with good, good friends. Imagine a backyard, gorgeous weather, witty conversation, lots of laughter, and CCR and The Band in the background. Times to cherish.

Knitting baby hats: I've recently taught myself how to knit on double-pointed needles, a technique which requires knitting with five needles. It makes me feel like the Zenmaster. The pattern is the Umbilical Cord Hat. Right now, I've got one friend who's due Monday, another due in about a week and a half, another due in September, and another due in November--not to mention the babies who are already here for whom I'm knitting hats.

Off to the gym, and then to class. Life's been mighty fine these days. :)

Dru Sjodin's Body Found

On the radio this evening, I heard that they found the body of Dru Sjodin. I was saddened all over again. I had followed the case with much concern, knowing that what happened to her can happen to any woman, at any time. This society is not safe for women. Not at all. I know that men are often victims of violent crime too, but not as often victims of the double horror of rape and murder.

Edited to add: I don't believe they've confirmed, based on forensic evidence, that Sjodin was raped, but the man charged with her murder is a convicted sex offender. Even if she wasn't raped, I stand by my point.

Cursing in the Classroom

Interesting discussion going on at Making Contact about a colleague of hers who is being dragooned by the administration for using the "f-word" in class. For probably the only time in my life, I'm finding myself on the more priggish end of the debate.

HIV Spread in Porn Industry

From my old college buddy Charges comes a sad story: Porn actor Darren James has tested positive for HIV. They're afraid of that pyramid effect:

The Los Angeles-based industry, which normally films three to four films a day, must now wait 60 days to learn whether the deadly virus spread to 14 actresses who had onscreen sex with James, or to the 35 sex partners the women subsequently had.

Porn star Lara Roxx has tested positive as a result. I don't exactly embrace porn, but it seems insensitive to put a critical spin on this. It's just sad, and I hope no one else is affected. Maybe Lauren or someone at Alas will have thoughtful and appropriate comments on the matter. (Edited to add: Or Christine.)

It's true I hire my body out for pay, hey hey

For all those people who email me requesting it, I've finally provided "The Unknown Stuntman" for your listening pleasure--but just for a few days. See right hand column.


I've been asked if I'm interested in teaching the SEAM section of Rhetoric 1101, with the theme of Identity and Multiculturalism. I taught it last Fall and loved it, but didn't know if the College would want me to teach it again. Knowing that they do makes my day. :D

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