Award for Innovation in Basic Writing Pedagogy
I saw this on the WPA-L listserv; I can think of a few people who, if they're teaching basic writing this year, could be contenders. <-- What I'm trying to do there is make it clear that community college composition courses do not automatically equal basic writing courses; I see this conflation too often, and it bugs me.
Conference on Basic Writing's 2007 Award for Innovation
The Conference on Basic Writing's Award for Innovation recognizes
writing programs for innovations that improve educational processes for
basic writers through creative approaches. Please note that only
innovations that have been implemented will be considered for the award.
The award will be based onOriginality - the creativity and uniqueness of the innovation
Portability--the extent to which the innovation lends itself to
application in other institutions or contexts
Results and Benefits - specific details, data, and observations derived
from the innovation, focusing on specific educational benefits to
studentsPlease note important deadlines:
December 1, 2006: Nominations due
January 2007: Award recipient notified
March 2007: The Winner will be honored with the presentation of a
plaque at the CBW Special Interest Group (SIG) at
CCCC in New York. The winner will be invited to give a
brief presentation about the winning program
to the SIG attendees.