Technology and Culture

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Sorry, no flash mob photos

If you recall this previous post on flash mobs, you might be expecting a report and/or pictures from the event. Unfortunately, I couldn't attend; it turns out I had agreed to provide chauffeuring services to the sons of a professor of mine who is in the Ukraine right now. :-) No big deal, I'll just be sure to participate in the next one. You can read about the flash mob in the Pioneer Press if you like, though.

Flash mobs!

From Wired: "Flash mobs," which are mobs organized for the purpose of performance art, are becoming the new thing. Wired talks to organizers of these flash mobs, including Rob Zazueta:

'There's a real desire for something like this out there,' he said. 'Community has always been a big buzzword in the Web space, and I think the smart mob concept helps to bring the virtual community into real space. No matter how good our devices become at allowing us to communicate, I think we're always going to need some real face time with folks.'

They've been staged in such cosmopolitan areas as New York, San Francisco, and--yes!--on July 22, there will be one in Minneapolis. I am SO there. I'll post pictures.

Cross-posted at Kairosnews.

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