Blogging MLA
Though it might be tricky as I'm interviewing, I'm still going to try to blog the sessions I attend. Try to. Tonight I'm thinking about attending these:
8. The Subject Matter of Composition
5:15-6:30 p.m. McKinley, Marriott
Program arranged by the Division on the Teaching of Writing. Presiding: Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Kingsborough Community College, City University of New York.
1. "Revising the Comp-Lit/Lit-Comp Debate," Deborah H. Holdstein, Northern Illinois University
2. "The Stakes in Not Staking a Claim: Why Composition Needs Its Own Content," Mary R. Boland, California State University, San Bernardino
3. "What's the Matter with Composition? Revision or Re-vision at the Two-Year College," Thomas Lawrence Long, Thomas Nelson Community College
35. English Studies and Political Literacy
7:00–8:45 p.m., Cotillion Ballroom North, Marriott
A forum
Presiding: Donald P. Lazere, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
1. “How Can Americans under Forty Be Tuned Back In to Following the News?” David T. Z. Mindich, Saint Michael’s College
2. “Student Conservatism and Political Literacy,” Adolph L. Reed, Jr., University of Pennsylvania
3. “Political Literacy in Rhetoric and Composition Studies,” Patricia Roberts-Miller, University of Texas, Austin
4. “Reading and Political Literacy at Risk in Young Americans,” Mark Bauerlein, Emory University
5. “Learning Political Literacy through Chicago’s Public Schools: What’s College Funding Got to Do with It?” Kenneth W. Warren, University of Chicago
Other than that, blogging will be nonexistent or light until around January 3.
panel blogging
Since I live here in DC, I'll try to blog as much as I can, but like you I'm interviewing, so I'll be busy. Hope you can make it to my panel on Friday....
the chutry experiment
You Win
Sorry to run out of you before the panel ended, but we wanted to be sure we got to Sean's panel on time. That said, you win the "who will blog the 2005 MLA first" contest...but only because I'm too tired to transcibe my notes in something resembling an entertaining fashion. (And, of course, because I'm commenting on your blog instead of writing on my own.) The Valveteers will be getting lunch after McLemee's panel tomorrow, and we'd love for you to join us. Also, give our sympathies to Jonathan, as well as tissues, which he'll no doubt need.
Oddly enough, Scott and Chuck, I can't make either of these panels or the lunch; I have interviews at both those times. So, well, I'm glad I can't make it!
Edited to add: Are you guys doing anything after John Holbo's panel? I'm free until my panel at 1:45.
When is John Holbo's Panel?
Email me (chutry[at]msn[dot]com) and we can try to work something out. I should be around the conference most of the day tomorrow and Friday.
the chutry experiment