Friday Dog Blogging

Village of the Damned (Dog)

And other random stuff

Books I've read so far this month: The Handmaid's Tale, To the Lighthouse, and I'm just one stationary bike ride away from finishing Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim. I've also started Orlando. This reading, especially To the Lighthouse, has got me thinking a lot about the social and emotional labor women often engage in, as part of childrearing and general domestic duty -- the work Mrs. Ramsay does. I've got a lot to say about it, and that'll probably be the topic of my next post.

I loathe it when people confuse "loathe" and "loath," but I am loath to correct them when they commit the error, lest I embarrass them.


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Why, that mistake makes me

Why, that mistake makes me loose my mind.


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