Victory Is Mine
I have finally usurped the Tom Clancy FAQ to become the #1 hit in a Google search for Clancy. I've waited for this for such a long time. Check it out; this may only last a little while.
Edited: Well, it was good for that minute. Or maybe I never was #1. Maybe it was that stupid Google "Personalized Search (Beta)" deal. Argh.
Recall the rhyme: first is
Recall the rhyme: first is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the treasure chest.
impressive nonetheless
If you had the multi-million dollar machine behind you that Tom Clancy does, you'd be smokin' him. bradb
next up: wikipedia!
now we just need to get culturecat a wikipedia entry. I hear anyone can do it. :)
What About Chief Clancy Wiggum?
"Fat Tony is a cancer on this city, and I am... say, what's the thing that cures cancer again?"