The Flyer

This is the first time I've done one of these, but here's hoping it has the desired effect:

3030 flyer

I think I'll revise it as I finalize the texts for the class, and I'm going to try to put the days and time the class is meeting on there too.


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Hey, that will definitely

Hey, that will definitely attract attention! Say, I forgot to mention in my email that you should use that Carole Blair essay in _Rhetorical Bodies_--very appropriate for both civic discourse and material rhetoric.

love it!!!

i think i'll do something like this for Intro to GWSS (did u know we changed from WoSt to Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies?) - i love the bubbles. gotta use it. what program did u use to create? i wanna be like you! (meaning bite your steelo for my next course flyer).

and THANK U!!! the package arrived this a.m. I will call you later on to say thanks & chat it up. Still waiting for my other "package" to arrive but he seems to be taking his sweet time up in there.

miss you!

Comic Life?

Did you create this whole flyer with Comic Life or did you just create the image and title? I, too, what to be like you! Looks great.


Yep, I used ComicLife for the whole thing. Downloadable here and worth every penny of the $24.95, but I think it's still only available for Mac.

how COOL.

Oh, I am jealous. How neat is THAT.
And I've just been putting Lisa Simpson on my syllabus and thinking that that was a cool idea.

sybil blogs at

Comic Life

I've got a Mac now! You must have missed the entries last summer where the computer died and I had to get a new one, two days before my month in NYC.

Hey, I'd take it

I think it looks great.

The "Professor Clancy Ratliff" part is especially cool--the title goes well with the name--but the rest of it is attention-getting and interesting, too.

Two Cultures

Sign me up for this one!

Sign me up for this one! Rhetoric as a subject is a very good idea. I'm sure a lot of students will be flocking to sign on to this one. I figure a number of history students will join in too. The poster looks interesting enough. Good job!

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