I'm Clancy Ratliff, an associate professor in the Department of English at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where I am also the Assistant Director of First-Year Writing. I'm married with three children.
See my vita to find out more about where I've been and what I've done.
Email me: clancy.ratliff, gmail

should i be proud?
lauren is 30.57199% -- a Total Geek.
geez, i thought i'd be geekier than you two
28.7864%--a Total Geek
Woo! As expected, I'm the least geeky.
10.25641% - Geekish Tendencies
29.5858% - Total Geek! I would not have thought
That I'd score so high, being the unschooled hippie luser-type I am. Gotta give props to LOTR, dictionaries, Greek, Latin, and the outdoor geekly pursuits, yo.
Chris Mansfield, way late ;)