Cruel but Hilarious

Depression is a serious disease, and I know it's terrible to make light of it, but this article is gut-bustingly funny. This is the piling-on, outrageous humor that showcases The Onion at its best.


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2 Board Alley

It's clever, and since it doesn't say all depressives are losers, it doesn't really make fun of us in a hurtful way. I laughed. I think this kind of humor helps to normalize depression so that people can talk about it and not hide it. I'm writing this after having stayed up all night--used my SAD sunbox too late in the evening--so maybe I'm the wrong person to ask ; )

Making fun of oneself

I've had a crappy last couple of days myself, so I had somewhat of a laugh of recognition when I saw the article. The weekend can't get here fast enough. The thing is, I'm only teaching two classes this semester. My heart really goes out to the many, many people who have suspended-animation, stasis days (or so I call them) but who have to teach four or five classes.


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