CCCC Awards
You heard it here first, dude! These are the awards that were presented tonight at the ceremony:
Best Book
On a Scale: A Social History of Writing Assessment by Norbert Elliot
Rhetorical Listening: Identification, Gender, Whiteness by Krista Ratcliffe
Berlin Award for Best Dissertation
I didn't quite catch the title, but the first part was Learning to Love the Bomb, and it was about risk communication, nuclear weapons, and the political climate after 9/11 (I think). It's by Julie Staggers, who got her PhD at Purdue. Her dissertation was directed by Patricia Sullivan.
Braddock Award for Best Article
The Place of World Englishes in Composition: Pluralization Continued by A. Suresh Canagarajah
Outstanding Dissertation in Technical Communication
Again, I didn't catch the title, but the author is Natasha Artemeva, who got her PhD at McGill. Anthony Paré directed her dissertation.
Writing Program Certificates of Excellence
- Ball State
- Michigan Tech Writing Center
- Purdue's ICAP (Introductory Composition at Purdue)
- Swarthmore's Writing Associates Program
- University of Toronto
Best Article in TETYC
Reading Lolita in Tehran Leads to Reading, Writing, Drawing, Painting, Sewing, and Thinking in Saranac Lake, New York by Shir Filler
Nell Ann Pickett Service Award
Jody Millward (an old site, but it seemed to have the most information about her)
Swarthmore's WAs!
Ooh! Now that's fun. I was co-director of the writing center at Swarthmore my senior year. It is a fabulous program and had a huge influence on me. Hooray!