Excited about Thanksgiving

I am looking forward to the three Fs--friends, food, and family. I just reserved a flight home for the Christmas holiday, too--December 21-January 3. Last year I stayed until, I don't know, January 11 or something like that, and started to get depressed when I'd go out with my friends who live in Florence, AL. During the holidays, I'd see people I went to high school and undergrad with, and it was fun, but then afterward, I had this sinking "left behind" feeling as I started seeing the current UNA students doing their back-to-school partying. I vowed not to stay that long again. January 3, I think, will be a fitting time to leave. In the spring, I'm teaching a class I've never taught before, Rhetoric 1223: Oral Presentations in Professional Settings, and I need lots of time for syllabus composing.

As for today, I am going to do laundry, read copious amounts of feminist theory and genre theory, and go to the gym.

When am I going to start being realistic about what I can get done in a day?! Note: I'm striking through items not because I've gotten them done, but because I'm cutting corners.


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Whoops, forgot to sign my nam

Whoops, forgot to sign my name.

-- Michelle from phlebas

to what?

Sign your name to what? I'm confused.

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