Highlights from My News Feeds

I love RSS, and I love Drupal for building a news aggregator into its blogging tool. Because of it, I'm able to find stuff like this: Napsterization via Siva, which I'll keep an eye on just because Mary Hodder's posting to it (IP types such as Logie might be interested in it too).

Anne says we should watch Mildred Pierce. I read an article about single mothers in cinema in Bitch once, and this movie was included. I wanted to watch it then, but now I definitely will after that persuasive review. I like reading movie reviews on blogs--Chuck writes them all the time, and Cindy has been known to do one or two.


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Thanks for the compliments on the film reviews. They don't often draw a lot of comments (probably because many people haven't seen the films), so I've been a little discouraged about writing them lately.

Mildred Pierce is an interesting film, definitely worth seeing. From the same era, Stella Dallas is also fascinating, especially from the single mother angle.

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