Copyfighting, Guerrilla-Style

Sotto voce: "Hey! Download Johndan Johnson-Eilola's new book!"

Via Arete. (P.S. Arete, I hear ya--I would like to see some actual documents on how to deal with publishers and secure a more progressive copyright model too. Maybe when you get here in the Fall, you and I and Jeff and Logie can write some.)


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Creative Commons

Hey Clancy, have you checked out this yet? (I am sure you have...)

Creative Commons

Best, Mark

Oh, yeah.

My blog has the Attribution-Share Alike license; it's on the right-hand side toward the bottom. :) Hey, are you Mark B. or Mark S.?

Edited to add: Or Mark E., my new playwright friend? Or Mark Dilley? Or Midfielder Mark? Or SammyGladstone Mark?

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