Where's my on?

You know, on -- you could also think of it as acumen, savvy, energy, joie de vivre. I feel like Lisa Simpson when she shrieks, "I'm losing my perspicacity!"

If you see my on anywhere around, please do let me know. Regular blogging will resume this weekend, hopefully, as I have the oral exam to prepare for and very little energy with which to do it. Sure, we all have our days when we're not on, but this is an unusually long stretch for me. Healthy food and plenty of water, sleep, vitamins, and exercise aren't helping; anyone got any advice?


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Prelim advice

All of those things were good (the healthy stuff--exercise, water, vitamins...)but what really helped when it came to the crunch was very dark chocolate. :)

Best wishes,


Dark chocolate, huh?

I'll keep that in mind; thanks, Lanette! I can think of something else I need to do: Watch less TV, and mostly news shows when I do watch. I recently bought seasons 1 and 2 of Aqua Teen Hunger Force and, while it's hilarious and I love it, I think my excessive consumption of it is sucking away IQ points.


No good advice, but big heaps of commiseration. I have to go back on drugs, and not the fun kind, myself. I'm sending you all the exam-acing energy in the world. When are your trials over, so I know when I can push the Monorail episode on you and stuff like that? :)


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