More Rhetoric & Composition-Related Articles Wikipedia Needs

Move along, nothing to see here. These are really just my bookmarks for when I eventually teach a rhetorical theory and methods course that I can design myself and make Wikipedia articles part of the required work: when, not if. 'Cause the students in my first-year composition class would be flabbergasted and would not like it at all if I waltzed in there tomorrow and said, "Hey, you guys, change of plan! Instead of doing the research papers you've been preparing for all semester, we're going to do Wikipedia articles on the following list of topics instead!" Anyway, on to the needed articles:

I searched for Toulmin out of curiosity, but I'll bet there are easily a hundred compositionists, rhetoricians, and pedagogical theorists who aren't represented in Wikipedia. Those searches are for another evening, though. By the way, I searched for myself too, but alas, there was nothing. :( :P


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is your interest as a rhetorician in toulmin due to 'the uses of argument'?

Hey, Josh

I'm not interested in Toulmin. :) We have to (or should I say we're strongly encouraged to) teach the Toulmin schema in our first-year composition classes, so that's why it occurred to me to look for him. I wonder if any other FYC instructors reading this teach Toulmin?

maybe i should have said 'int

maybe i should have said 'interest' : )

having taken a better look around on the interweb, i must say i never realized how influential toulmin's book has been outside of philosophy. a lot more than inside, that's for sure.

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