Now with avatars

I have now enabled avatars for comments, if you'd like to start using one.

Also, does anyone know how to keep Drupal from automatically sending trackbacks every time you link to someone's blog? It's a little embarrassing! It happens whether you link to an individual post or to the main page (in which case it just sends a trackback to the first post, I think).

UPDATE: I've also changed the comment settings to allow you to leave your email address and/or URL without having to register, so now it's more like MT and WP.


Comment viewing options

Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.

Take out this patch?

Should I edit the code to remove this patch?

Blogging Article NYTimes 12.19.04

There was an intriguing article addressing blogging and the boundary of privacy in this Sunday's New York Times Magazine "Phenomenon: Your Blog or Mine?"


I've been a bit perturbed by this strange behavior as well. I did not install that patch, so apparently it's part of the standard module now. The problem has been reported here. Maybe a bump from another member would get it some attention. (Please?)


I have one. Let's see if it works!

Trackback w/autodiscovery

I don't know how to stop Drupal but I believe the procedure it's using is called auto-discovery and it's considered bad form, at least according to this article.

Comment viewing options

Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.