The Times on Blogging (Again)

I thought of Timothy Burke's comment at Laura's when I read The Waiter You Stiffed Has Not Forgotten. In response to Laura's response to the article on parents' blogs, Burke wrote, "I think you misunderstood what it is that the Times has a low regard for. It's not parenting, it's blogging." After reading this article, which discusses weblogs kept by servers (, and are mentioned), I tend to disagree that the Times has an across-the-board low regard for blogging. Julia Moskin, the author of the article, seems alarmed at the pent-up hostility of the posters:

The vengefulness of the posts, and the recurrence of anecdotes that involve adding foreign fluids to customers' food, from breast milk to laxatives, is enough to turn anyone who dares to enter a restaurant into a nervous, toadying wreck.

but simultaneously sympathetic; waiting tables is a stressful job, and people who do it need to vent. She's written a pretty even-handed piece which includes quotes from servers and from higher-ups in the restaurant industry, who, not surprisingly, disapprove of the blogs.


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This is a great site! Hold on

This is a great site! Hold on to that dirty south accent.

Yeah, I disagreed with Tim la

Yeah, I disagreed with Tim later on, as well.

Have you noticed that few male or political bloggers have picked any of these discussions? You would think it was right up their alley - discussions of the media and all. But no. And all the liberal guys just let it go by, too.

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