New Theme

You likey? I changed the site theme from Chameleon to Bluemarine, which probably doesn't mean anything to you unless you're familiar with Drupal, and customized it for the old design. I changed the theme so that your avatars would show in comments. I hope the problems many have had viewing my site in Safari have gone away, or at least not gotten any worse. Please let me know how it looks. I'm only going by what I've got: Windows with monitor set at 1280x1024, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.


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Ok, so that gives me the chan

Ok, so that gives me the chance to use one of the cheesy avatars that I create when I am truly bored!

I LOVE it!

How do you like mine?


Is there a Sub Mariner theme? With ankle-wings? My high school's mascot was a soaked, yellow-slicker wearin' mariner; and I lobbied for years to have him replaced as above. I now question the wisdom of that effort.


Your front page displays well in Safari now. Looks good. :-)


Looks great

I'm glad your site is up again. My webhost is very good at dealing with DoS attacks, but having them be spam attacks to boot, that's just awful!

Does the spam filter not keep up? I have patched modules to filter the trackbacks, too, if that would help.


Okey dokey, let's check out how this new account thingamajig works.....

Btw, Clancy, did you see the CFP over on my site? Seems like it might be right up your alley....

Bitch. Ph.D.

Just saying no...

One of my new things right now is saying no more often to stuff that is only tangentially related to my dissertation, as this is. Besides, I'm already doing a presentation at MLA (the NCTE guaranteed session, which is going to be about scholarly publishing), so two presentations plus interviews -- if I get any -- would be a little too much, I think.

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