Enthymematic reasoning, Aqua Teen style

Turkitron: Is that a taco pie?
Meatwad: Mmm-hmmm.
Turkitron: Taco pie?!
Meatwad: I added food coloring cause it's a holiday, but it turned black because I added all the food coloring I had, and I ate this butter straight out of the tub, cause it tastes good. There's a reason behind everything.

From The Dressing. You can actually listen to this snippet (.mp3) at Aqua Teen Adventures; I highly recommend it.

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Goin' Back To School

"A syllogism in which one of the premises or the conclusion is not stated explicitly" I don't know, everything Meatwad said seems to proceed naturally-- is the connection between food coloring and a holiday? Everybody knows why THAT is.

On the other hand, I think that the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past / Tom Turkeytron drops about 100 enthymemes in his three guest appearances.

"THOUSANDS of years ago, before Signourney Weaver...."


"is the connection between food coloring and a holiday? Everybody knows why THAT is."

Yes. The audience supplies the missing premise, which is what makes it an enthymeme. It makes sense because you know that certain holidays are associated with certain colors, that if you mix a bunch of colors together they're going to turn brownish-black, and that people usually choose to eat something based on whether or not they think it tastes good.

P.S. Re Turkitron

Here's a good enthymeme exercise for first-year composition:

Turkitron: Enjoy those tacos now, for in a thousand years, they will be illegal...heh ha ha ha hah...I think we all know why.
Meatwad: We know why?
Turkitron: ANTI-TACO LEGISLATION! Disestablishmentarianism.


Nice blog.I like this.

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