I'm Clancy Ratliff, an associate professor in the Department of English at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where I am also the Assistant Director of First-Year Writing. I'm married with three children.
See my vita to find out more about where I've been and what I've done.
Email me: clancy.ratliff, gmail

I am just learning about the blogoshpere and accidentally happened upon yours. How did your prelims go last year? I successfully completed two of my four pre-lims for my Ph.D. in Sociology about 20 years ago - before I dropped out of school to drop into the workforce. I'm now an active member of the National Organization for Women and am the newsletter editor for the local Asheville, NC chapter. Your Ph.D. major intrigues me and I look forward to reading more on this site. Thank you, Debbie. From Asheville, NC.