Writing Program Administration/Design: Mapped

I'm trying to capture in a concept map the various elements of writing program design and administration. What am I missing? (Photo below links to larger one.)



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Different Needs?

Would the map be different for places that do not have TAs or graduate students but are filled with adjuncts? I'm thinking of my job as program director, and I don't train anyone to teach, but I do try to maintain professional development for our adjuncts. I'm thinking what else might be different with the teaching pool is adjuncts vs grad students.

Good Question

That's a good question. Would the category switch from training to professional development opportunities of some sort?


2 different categories

To my mind, training and professional development are two separate categories, even in programs with TAs.

Also, my own preference would be to see technology (both materially and curricularly) represented on a map like this.

Yes to technology

Thanks for these comments so far! I definitely need to put technology on there -- figure out where it goes.

I'd agree too on the point about training and professional development. To my mind, training is more "here are some ways you can design peer review activities," and professional development is more "this is how to create and organize a teaching portfolio for your dossier."

figuring out where technology goes

Technology goes everywhere. It is not a factor that can be isolated in a "Oh, and here's how we'll address technology" way or that one can "figure out where it goes." It's a part of course planning, teacher training, professional development, assessment, funding, and course support.

I recall one writer enduring heavy criticism a while back for suggesting otherwise.


That crossed my mind

I agree that technology shouldn't be cordoned off to one bubble in the concept map.

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