Passed Prelims

Whew, what a relief. I'm now almost ABD, pending the results of the oral exam. In case you were wondering, yes, I am going to post my writtens, but I've needed some time to reflect on them, add html tags where necessary, etc. I'll be posting them here using Drupal's collaborative book module. The questions I ended up answering are already there.


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Fabulous. Congrats, Clancy. What a successful summer you seem to be having. Impressive, to say the least. I'm interested to read your responses.

My latest accomplishment, though hardly academic, was driving out to and back from Maine to visit my sister (and plenty of other folks along the way). I've compiled a lengthy, raw list of statistics if you're interested. Same site as usual (



Aw-right! I'm so proud of and glad for you. :D



Now you can sit back and laugh at the whole experience!! Ok, it might take a bit longer, but you will get to the point. It'll be the "I quit smoking the week before orals and then smoked an entire pack of cigarettes in the hour before" story that you tell your own grad students later. Oh wait....that was me. Never mind.


Celebratory dinner

Salmon with Greek seasoning, red pepper, and dill, and crowder peas with sautéed peppers -- yummy and healthy. It's long gone. :)


That’s really fantastic news, congratulations.

I am also very interested to read your writtens, which no doubt will reflect the intensity you put into them. Your work is very inspiring, to say the least.


Congratulations, Clancy! May you never again have to cover as broad a range of topics or write as many pages in as short a period of time. We tend to think of exams as a stepping stone to the diss, but it's an accomplishment all by itself, and not an insignificant one. Way to go!



Celebrate! And celebrate some more! Joanna

Passing Prelims



C ongrats!

Congrats! Oh, there is nothing quite like being ABD. Nothing. Like. It.

All Day Permanent Red

Another celebratory dinner

This time, it's applesauce stuffed the oven now, smelling so good it's driving me insane.


That is so awesome! Of course, we all knew you could do it :-)


prelims :))

Good job!! Sounds like the good luck charm worked :))



Adding my (belated) congratulations to the list - that's great!

-- LiL


From Dennis

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